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What is Princeton Ministry Global Outreach?

Princeton Ministry Global Outreach Inc, is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. 



How did PMGO begin?


The concept behind PMGO began in 2019 as an organic extension of Q&A sessions (You Ask/I Answer) that stemmed from a daily Bible reading WeChat. 


As more people joined the informal group Rev. Liu began to notice the participants were not only from local churches that he was familiar with, but also from around the country and world. What began as a few dozen participants quickly increased to a few hundred.

The PMGO mission:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. - Matthew 28:19-20



They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth. - John 17:16-19

Read, Listen, Act

“...and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.

2 Timothy 2:2


Technology, multimedia, and social media platforms have penetrated every aspect of daily life in the modern world. Utilizing these tools, two foundations of Christian life growth; Bible reading and prayer, have also been transplanted from individual devotionals to collective daily Bible reading plans that use media platforms to motivate, accompany and supervise one another. Over the past few years, Rev. Ming-Huei Phillip Liu has been reading the whole Bible every year with hundreds of brothers and sisters from all over the world who are eager for God's Word at the "Grace Word Bible" WeChat group. At  the same time Rev. Liu has been answering hundreds of Bible questions in the form of  "You Ask/I Answer".  Now these questions and answers have accumulated and been compiled into a wonderful resource for answering questions about the bible. The Daily Bible reading is ongoing, and  "You Ask/I Answer" is still expanding. Members of PMGO (P.O. Box 5275, Kendall Park, NJ 08824) are welcome to come to  "You Ask/I Answer" to find answers to their questions and to ask Bible questions.

Systematic study of the Bible

(Old Testament, New Testament, book by book, etc.)


The COVID-19 pandemic at the end of 2019 irreversibly changed the ecological environment as well as the lifestyle of people at social, economic, and political levels. The in-person gatherings of traditional churches are still facing challenges due to the pandemic and there are calls for reform and adjustment. Therefore to meet a growing need; online gatherings, spiritual training, and evangelical ministries have emerged accordingly. Under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, mindful Pastors and missionary minded Coworkers see a wider, farther, more diverse, richer resourced, and expanding doorway to effectively spread the gospel and build up saints.  Since March 2022, Rev. Ming-Huei Phillip Liu has been giving weekly talks entitled "Speaking about the Old Testament" on Zoom which was brought about by a small group of Christians who were eager to learn about the Old Testament. "Speaking about the Old Testament" is an ongoing series to explain the entire Old Testament systematically in context and with historical background. Through word of mouth there are currently hundreds of saints who either attend live lectures on Zoom and/or regularly study through YouTube. As our Lord has graciously blessed this ministry, we will continue the learning platform for "Speaking about the New Testament" and as well as continue going through the whole Bible. We welcome believers who wish to learn God's Word to join the "Princeton Pulpit" WeChat group to study together.  The "Speaking about the Old Testament" talk is held at 8 p.m. every Tuesday EST. 


Lectures on Living a Better Life 

8 PM EST, second Saturday of the Month

As time rapidly changes Christians are challenged and can be confused in their understanding of morality and the world. We try to return to the principles of the Bible to teach and urge believers to glorify God, benefit others, become good witnesses, be willing to be holy, and impactful in their lives. At present, Rev. Ming-Huei Phillip Liu gives a talk based on the topic "Blessed Christian Family" at 8 pm EST every second Saturday each month. (Each recording is uploaded to YouTube). In the future, according to the needs and requirements of believers we will arrange various practical topics and life skills (e.g. how to write resumes and interview skills). We also plan to invite Christian professionals and experienced Christians to join our serving team to teach and apply knowledge in accordance to the Bible. 


Fostering future leaders


Ongoing classes for training coworkers and learning to serve (every Saturday (except the second Saturday of each month) at 8:00 pm EST ) 
     The purpose of this training is to cultivate workers to dare to trust when the Lord opens the way and to humbly and effectively serve their own church, Bible study, and community. At present,  Rev. Ming-Huei Phillip Liu is using the the Gospel of Luke as teaching material to train those who study the Bible. There will be trainings on church history, fundamental truth, systematic theology; as well as training in various ministries including: counseling, mission, children's Sunday school ministry, youth groups, leading church services, piano accompaniment, etc. With faith, we ask the Lord to give us gifted, burdened, experienced pastors, co-workers, teachers, senior sisters, and professors at the right time to teach and cultivate saints together.




Evangelical Ministries

Online Sermons (regular and special event)

ESL (English as Second Language): as a way to help newcomers adapt to their new environment


For the Future

As long as God leads and moves we are ready to answer the call to advance, as the need grows, to build an online church, establish a missionary retirement village, build a retreat camp, fund seminarians, develop the next generation of multi-ethnic multi-lingual ministries, and prepare to hand off the baton to the next generation.


"Enlarge the place of your tent, And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, And strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, And your descendants will inherit the nations, And make the desolate cities inhabited."

-Isaiah 54:2-3

Our Full Statement of Faith

Click below to read our full statement of faith


Donations can be made to: Princeton Ministry Global Outreach, Inc or PMGO


and sent to:

PO BOX 5275

Kendall Park, NJ 08824


Princeton Ministry Global Outreach Inc or PMGO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


Please include your name and address with your donations for tax receipt purposes.

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